Okay, so I officially suck at blogging. I'll admit to that. I tried, really hard in fact. I tried to write about our 1 year anniversary and about all the Birthday parties and my baby shower but I sucked at it. However, now I have a beautiful baby girl who is way more interesting than I could ever be. So, maybe my blogging forecast isn't so gloomy anymore.
Addison was born at 5:11 am on June 15th. She was 7 lbs 11.5 oz. It's amazing how soon the love for your child comes. She is so amazing. Today she is four weeks old. She sleeps and eats and poops all day long just like everyone says newborns do. But she also glares at us when we wake her up, sighs in relief when she passes gas, smiles while she's falling asleep, wake up the moment we leave the room, she tries desperately to launch herself off of my lap when changing her or off of her boppy, and is not content to not sleep between us. She's so precious. Oh, and she spits up missiles on her daddy. I got a ton of adorable accessories for her from my baby shower so playing dress up with her has been quite fun. Unfortunately, right now we are all pretty sick and her cute little coughs make me so sad, but they are super cute. When you're that small everything is so cute I guess, even the crying. It's probably not a good thing when your mother wants to video tape you crying because she thinks it's so adorable. All the time while I am feeding her, I am thinking that she looks so precious and I want pictures. Then, it hits me that a picture at that time would be semi pornographic and I'm quickly over it. I mentioned to two of my sisters and they said they've thought the same thing. Well, anyways I think you've heard enough of my talking about her super awesome cuteness. Now you can just see for yourself...
So pretty!
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