Saturday, May 8, 2010

Well, I didn't make my goal of ten posts in April, Sorry Crys. In all fairness it has been an eventful month, grandparents in the hospital, babies born, babies in the hospital... the list goes on. Now I'm pretty sure I've got strep throat so I can't really be visiting anyone.

The baby is doing great! She moves all the time and her specialty is hiccups right when I lay down for bed. I can definitely tell she is growing rapidly. My shirts are starting to feel shorter and my pants are starting to feel tighter, not to mention the absolutely lovely stripes that are starting to appear on my belly. I'm measuring 40+ inches around the belly now. But that might just be her position. We are kind of leaning towards the name Addison now but it's still up in the air. Maybe we should just let people bid on the name on ebay and start her college fund.

I've been pretty bad about remembering all the great things about being pregnant and mostly just focusing on the negative. Which, is pretty depressing. I think that our society has kind of made light of child bearing lately and I subconsciously jumped on that. I've been annoyed with all the things I can't do and have been feeling "useless." When really I am sacrificing my time, body, and various other things to bring a very special someone into our family. I am going to spend the next 7 weeks trying to only remember the good things about being pregnant, like the clothes i wont be able to wear in 2 months (hopefully) the kicks and movements I know I'll miss, and how excited Scott is for our baby girl. Scott has been so amazing during my pregnancy. He's always willing to make me anything, and brings me my vitamins, comes with me to doctor's appointments when he can, and not talk back when I'm being super unreasonable. He's the best. Speaking of which, his Birthday is coming up and I could use some cute ideas for a gift... so if you have any ideas, please don't be shy.